Week 7: Shonen Seinen
Bakuman is a dramatically drawn exaggerated comedy about a serious 9th grader who wants to become a Mangaka. The first chapter is so appealing in how the artist is able to illustrate passion. In the same way that hearing someone gush about a topic they love (even one you may not understand at all)- this art gives way to the same feeling. The energy and excitement is contagious. By dramatically drawn I mean its average level of detail maintains a high standard. It certainly gets simpler for comedic effect at times- as well as more detailed at important moments- but normally the detail and edge work is very fine and neat. Every panel without a closeup has a background- and the entire manga contains shading and textures. The piece is exaggerated in both its art style and story. While a student who wants a normal life and has given up on a dream is fairly normal- the length this character goes to with explaining how impossible the dream is- makes it ...